Monday, October 26, 2009

Moving along...

Coaches’ Clinic: The deadline for the lower price registration is nearing…have you made plans to attend? So far we only have 3 people committed to attend. 8-( Remember to go ahead and register, then send us copies of your registration form and check before you drop it in the mail. You will be reimbursed after the next school board meeting. To enhance your experience for the day, and if you are only coaching one event, you might want to attend the other events your child is assigned to. It will give you an idea as to what they are up to in at least one part of their lives. You might even be able to provide some pointers!

Usage of school labs and classrooms: Please make sure after you are finished using a space at Park View that the area is put back to order and all evidence of your ever being there is gone. Enlist the help of your students to get the job done. This goes right along with the Warrior Way traits we are teaching this year.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

A few things

SUPPLIES: We have only heard from two events as far as needed supplies. We are in the process of getting together an order for goggles, chemical aprons and lab coats but we know there are other needs out there. Don’t be bashful: we need to be in the know!

EVENT PRACTICE TIMES: Many of you have let us know the times you plan to practice. If we haven't heard from you, please give us an idea as to when your practices will be happening.

COACHES’ CLINIC: We understand you are having troubles figuring out what time to register for. No kidding! Rest assured, as soon as we hear the schedule is ready, we will let you know.

SCIENCE LAB/GYM USE: We will be happy to make sure you have a location in which to practice. Please let us know your needs and we will see what we can do. The sooner, the better! In addition, there is no reason why more than one group couldn’t use the lab at the same time…it makes for teamwork.